Thursday, March 25, 2010

Democracy post

What does democracy mean to you? When you hear the word what do you think of? What does it stand for in America?


  1. Democracy means how we do things differently from other countries. When I hear that word I think of freedom. In America it stands for our language and the way we do things. How our schools are ran, and how we see different countries.

  2. It reminds me of politics. I think of the president and the government around the world. It stands for how the world works and other places.

  3. 1.Democracy to me means something involving a say in something.
    2.It think it means you have a say in something.
    3.We have a say in stuff.

  4. When I think of the world Democracy I think of Democrats, then that makes me think of senators, then laws, then the white house, and then freedom...

  5. When I hear the word democracy it reminds me of our government, laws, and important people. It means very little to me right now because i'm not a big fan of politics. In America it stands for our type of government, I believe.

  6. It means something that has to do with the government or something. I hear it when someone's talking about politics and stuff. It stands for the way things are done in a country i think?

  7. Democracy, to me, is what runs this country. We as the people run the country, from businesses to supplying the country money with our taxes. When I hear the word, I think of the 90s, with president Clinton. I think of how well ran this country was, and how because of our own democracy we're running this country into the ground. In America, it does not stand for our independence, but for our own dependence on the government itself. It stands for the teamwork between the feds and ourselves.

  8. Democracy is where the people get to decide on things. I think of how our government is set up (like the three branches that make our government), I start comparing ours to different countries. I think it represents America, and our freedom.

  9. I think that democracy is more than just a type of government. It is freedom and a government that preserves our rights rather than take them away. When I think of democracy, I think about our government, but I also think about how we are able to do things that some people in other countries can't. In America, I think it stands for a government that will protect us, and will not allow tyranny and monarchy.

  10. It means freedom or choice of government. I think of I think of the U.S. Government. It's kind of what our government is based on. The colonists wanted their own government in which they have a say in who their leader is.

    -Sarah G

  11. Having the right to decide or vote for things. Politics. Democratic Party

  12. Democracy to me means the right too vote and politics. Democracy is what basically runs America.

  13. 1. something to do with the government

    2. the president

    3 a group for the goverenment

  14. I think about freedom, and how we won our independence from Britain

  15. democracy makes me think of some sort of government. freedom. a lot of americans are democratic.

  16. When I think of democracy, the first word to enter my mind is liberation. We are actually, as people, given the choice to vote on who is to govern our country, rather than have somebody just pop up and go "HEEYYY. I'm the president now, and I will do as I please and you can't do anything about it." However, democracy also defines a government in which the power is derived from its people.

    The United States congress has been often characterized not only to be corrupt, but completely disregard and reprobate the views and ideas of its people.

    So now that I think about it, this is really a sad excuse for a more liberated system. You might think, "Yeah, America! We're a democracy, we're so liberalized!" But the reality is, it's all fabricated and only wishful thinking. The reality is most of the government is made up of old wealthy men who really don't care about the opinions of the public. Of course the only thing that draws their interest is money and financial benefit.

    I may be forming exaggerated generalizations, but there's always going to be some form of corruption when pertaining to our government. Unless a sudden epiphany swipes the minds of the congress to make them find an actual interest in what the people [and not just the people high in power] want, then I will stick by this belief.

    Another thing is, there are also two forms of democracy. Direct and Representative. Direct democracy is pretty much everyone takes part in making decisions.. and a Representative democracy is when a representative is elected to form new laws and make decisions regarding the country. Representative democracy is also another word for 'Republic', which defines an elected government.. which is basically what we are.

    People underestimate the meaning of the word 'Democracy'. It is not simply the ability to vote, it goes much deeper than that.


  17. it means we the people can choose what we want, That it is a government that we have and is what we use and we have the right to vote and be free, i think it is just a running of a government and trying to have someone in charge

  18. Democracy is what gives us as people the choice to do many things. (with restrictions). Its not entirely freedom and we can't really do what ever we want. It like a guidelines to freedom handbook. Which is basically the constitution. Although most of us really dislike the government, we don't want to move to different countries. The U.S. is pretty lax (unless we commit a really bad crime).
    So summing it up, Democracy is freedom with restrictions.
