Wednesday, March 31, 2010

President Essay

Name 2-3 facts that you learned about your President that you did not know before the essay.


  1. John Adams was 5ft 7in and liked the outdoors and also lived to be 90 thats 3 facts

  2. William Henry Harrison was the first president to die in the white house. he had 10 kids only 9 lived. His wife outlived him by 23 years.

  3. 1. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were the only two presidents to sign the declaration of independence. They both died on the exact same day, a couple hours apart...on July 4, 1826, exactly 50 years after they both signed the Declaration.

    2. Thomas Jefferson had a child with his black slave.

    3. Thomas Jefferson was a horrible money manager.

  4. Harry S. Truman
    1. Fought in WWII
    2. Was a farmer
    3. He was born in Missouri

  5. I did not know that he had so many debts when he died and I did not know that he went into such a deep depression when one of his sisters died. And he died just a few hours before John Adams.

  6. George Washington introduced the phrase "Mr. President." When he retired he was a rich man but spend most of his time farming.

  7. Thomas Jefferson is the only president that has founded a college.

    Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and died 50 years later on July 4th on the same day as John Adams.

    Thomas Jefferson was against importation of slaves, but not against slavery itself.

  8. John Quincy Adams
    He ran for the House of Representative
    He died whit having a bad thing that hit him while working
    I didn't know that he died in the white house i though he died in the house of representative.

  9. I learned that James Madison was the fourth president,he was part of the Virgina plan( which was in our reading), and his parents owned a tobacco plantation.

  10. whoops! I didn't put my president's name on mine. Thomas Jefferson :)

  11. Millard Fillmore was born in New York. He was had his own law practice, he was also a member of the House of Representatives

  12. John Adams
    1. He was a lawyer
    2. He went to Harvard
    3. He knew a ton of stuff about law

  13. That Martain Van Buren was as tall as me. And he had all sons. And he was the first president who was born a american citizen...

  14. John Adams:
    1.) John Adams refused to wear dentures, so he talked with a lisp.
    2.) He was a Federalist.
    3.) He was vice president twice.
    4.) Died on July 4th (Ironic because he signed the Declaration of Independence.

  15. abraham lincoln was an illinois state legislator and he had 4 kids.

  16. Abraham Lincoln does not have a middle name

    Abe had three siblings and and two died in early childhood

  17. I learned Teddy was big on environmentalism, and instead of being a genuine animal lover (which i had pathetically imagined before i had done the research, he brought animals to a certain island just so he could hunt and kill them.
    I also learned that he achieved a Nobel prize and a Congressional medal of honor, and was the youngest to become president of the United sates. At 42.
    Finally, he demolished hundred of corrupt business and industries nationwide.

    Anddd of course, he formed the Rough Riders - a military regiment to fight against Spain in Cuba.

  18. Abraham Lincoln
    1. Abraham had four kids and only one of them lived past adulthood. 2. One week before his death, he had a dream of someone crying in the White House, when he found the room. He looked in and asked who had passed away. The man in the room said the President. When he looked in the coffin it was his own face he saw.
    3.He was the first president to be assassinated.

  19. 1. Thomas Jefferson was in love with one of his slaves and had children with her.
    2. He was the 3rd of 10 children
    3. He had 5 kids and had an stillborn son

  20. 1; Millard Fillmore was Vice President before he became President.
    2; His first name is his mothers maiden name.
    3; He had a huge personal library of over 4,000 books.

  21. James Madison-
    1) His friends called him Jemmie.
    2) He never weighed more then 100 lbs
    3) He was the first president to wear long trousers. The rest had all worn knee breeches.
    _Rachael Enabnit_

  22. Andrew Jackson
    1) He was the first president with an assassination attempt.
    2) all ten of his children were adopted.
    3) his wife was still legally married when they were 'married'.
    Liz Flitsch

  23. g. washington
    1) cincinati, Ohio is inadvertly named after washington
    2) washington was raised by his brother

  24. Ulysses S. Grant
    1. He was a heavy drinker and he was well known for it.
    2. The "S" in his name does not stand for anything, his real name is Hiram Ulysses Grant.
    3. He served two terms, despite being considered one of the worst presidents due to the major scandals during his time in office.

  25. Abraham Lincoln owned his own slaves. Nancy and Thomas Lincoln were his parents. He was born in a one roomed log cabin.

  26. President Lincoln only had one kid that outlived him. The other 3 died young. He hid documents and other papers in his top hat. He was also the first president to have a full beard, and there has only been a couple more since him.

  27. 1. MIllard Fillmore was the oldest of 8 siblings
    2. He was known for getting California join the Union
    3. Millard Fillmore was a lawyer before he was a president

  28. 1. he was tutored by his older brother
    2.had two step kids
    3. his teeth weren't really wodden

  29. Lincoln had 4 children, although 3 died young
    Only received 18 months of Schooling
    And had a dream of his own death
