Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First 4 Presidents video

Respond to this post using the "comments" portion of the post. After watching today's video about the first 4 Presidents of the United States answer these 2 questions:
1. What did they have in common? (For example: similar problems, had to overcome something, were all from the same generation, etc....)
2. If you were President during any of these 4 presidencies, what would you have done differently? (You can talk about one particular President's decision or all of them in general.)


  1. 1. They were all extremely bright characters. They all had some sort of problems with the French and British. All were brilliant, cunning politicians.

    2. If I was president in these times I would make sure that the people were happy with how they were being treated, but still maintaining their safety from outside worlds.

  2. 1. They stay away from being involved with the war going on between France and England. They were all older when they were elected, older than 50.

    2. I would have probably got involved with England during the War of 1812.

  3. They were all men that had a previous part in the government or in the making of the country before their presidency. Washington was in the American Revolution, John Adams signed the Declaration of Independence and was Washington's Vice President, Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence and was Adams Vice President, and James Madison had the nickname "father of the Constitution" he was very much involved in making the government.

    During Madison's Presidency he declared war on Great Britain. This was a horrible decision. America wasn't ready for that quite yet. They didn't have a very strong military or navy. I wouldn't have started a war. I realize that the country was split half wanted to fight with France half wanted to fight with England, but he shouldn't have done anything about it. This almost started a civil war. I wouldn't have responded to either side. He shouldn't have went to war.

  4. 1. All the presidents had been around during the American Revolution and had played some part in it.

    2. I would not have gotten involved in the British and French war like Madison did. I would have avoided it and not provoked the British. It was not a smart decision to go to war when the country wasn't ready for it.

  5. -Washington & Adams-
    Both Feudalists. They both in some way thought themselves as high on the scale. Whether it was from Washington not wanting to ever shake hands because he thought he was too good to do that. Or that Adams thought he was the greatest thing.

    -Adams & Jefferson-
    They both lived in the White house. Both had to deal with the French and English war. But neither really helped it any.

    -Jefferson & Madison-
    (we were unable to finish the movie)

  6. 1. they were founding fathers
    2. not do the embargo act of 1807

  7. they all brilliant people who were skilled with natural leadership qualities.

    i wouldn't have involved America in the wars. it's their war, let them handle it. we shouldn't have to interfere if it's not completely necessary.

  8. 1. They were all founding fathers(some signed the declaration, some led the continental army, and so on). They also all struggled with the press and criticism they got from their fellow countrymen, although how they responded set them apart. They were all also very bright people and brilliant politicians. They all struggled with foreign policy-namely problems with Britain and France. They each stretched governmental power at least a little.

    2. There are a lot of things that probably hurt the government, and contrary to others, I think that the War of 1812 was a necessary task in order to further our nation because it made us less dependent on Europe and we got some things from Britain. Anyway, I would never, ever have gone through the Alien and Sedition Acts. They were a series of acts that are just plain stupid. John Adams did these because he was weak and not able to take criticism, and in the process, he took away our rights.They were unnecessary and should never have taken place.

    Another thing a lot of people think was bad was the Embargo Act. I don't exactly think that that was bad either. Although it hurt trade, it lessened our dependence on foreign nations and allowed us to grow in independence...

    Just food for though(I answered more than the question, but this is the point of a blog right?)

  9. They all felt a gigantic pressure to fulfill the expectations of the people. Each president was honored to be elected. They all had their own idea of how the government was to be run. Each one of these men played a big part in the foundation of our country.

    I don't think there is much I would change. Since the government has lasted this long with no major problems or disagreements that we haven't been able to overcome, I think the first presidents of the United States did an excellent job of forming rules and regulations. There are a few rules that could the country could have done without, such as the no trading with any country law. I think if this law had been left in place the nation would have struggled trying to sustain itself. All countries need to work together. Cutting off trade will end up hurting your country and other countries in the process by cutting off the imports they may need that they are receiving from your country. For the most part, these founding fathers were very successful in the construction of the government, and in the construction of traditions that have been carried on throughout the years.

  10. 1. they were all the founding fathers. they also were really old people.

    2. i would have joined the war but instead of jumping into it with out much of an army. I would have built a navy and army so that if i decide to go to war i would be prepared for it and more likely win it with a massive navy and army. i would also join the french. they helped us with stuff in the past so why not help them.

  11. 1. They all had to face a challenge in their presidency, and a lot was expected of the president.

    2. I wouldn't have gone through the Alien and Sedition Acs. Since it's the beginning of the presidency, starting for the U.S., I would think you would want the people to be happy, and have them not be against you, and have them support you of your actions.

  12. 1. Things the first four presidents had in common:Maddison and Jefferson were both anti-fredualist, and they both were very intelligent and humble.
    2. If I were president instead of Madison I would try and be a little more prepared,or I wouldn't go into a war; it risked to much.

  13. they all had problems with the british, but kept out of the war, instead of helping the french.

    if i was president i probably would've went to john Adams presidency, and changed the way he dealt with situations

  14. 1. In Common:
    They all had a part in the American Revolution, all seemed like brilliant men, and 3 of them lived in the White House. They have also all past away :[

    1. What I would do differently:
    Unlike Adams not being able to decide which to side with (the British or the French) I would pick one (most likely the French). So in the future if we had problems we would know for sure they would be there. I would also put my people first rather, I would make compromise with my people.

  15. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams has both signed the Declaration of Independence and also died on the same day. All of the presidents had some sort of back round or experience with the legal system for many years before entering the presidency.

    I wouldn't have switched sides. Adams had angered a lot of people by doing this and buying all of that land. The people voted him into office for a reason, if they wanted someone else to be on "the other side" then they would have voted them into office

  16. 1) They all had to deal with criticism, especially Jefferson and Adams. They all had to deal with hardships and/or wars. They were pretty much all from the same era as well. They were all around for the revolutionary war, and they all had helped America to become a country.
    2) If i had been president, i would have probably mixed the views of the first 4 presidents together; Jefferson's way of handling the press, Washington's good decision making, Madison's way of talking, and so one. Because if you were to mix all of them together, you'd get a pretty good president.

  17. 1. They all had to deal with the French and British. They all were founding fathers and some of them signed the declaration of independence.

    2. I would probably pick a side instead not doing anything. I would probably pick the french. I would probably make the people go first and do stuff that they want.
