Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Constitutional Convention

1. How does the last couple of days debating show the need for compromise both back then and now? 2. What did you learn about the constitutional convention by debating the resolutions? (Either facts or the problems/procedures they had.)


  1. 1. There are so many different options that are both good and bad for so many different types of people, no matter how good something is there is always going to be one person who disagrees. So compromise needs to be made, you need to give up a little to get a little.

    2. It had to have been really hard to come up solutions that everyone can at least live with. They also all had to be exceptionally smart people and had to have been reasonable as well. Even with the problems they faced, they still did a good job of setting up the government for then and now.

  2. 1. Compromise was key both back then and now. It was very hard to find a happy medium between the subjects that we discussed. No matter what we discussed there was always going to be someone who doesn't like the idea. You may get your way with one thing but then you better be ready to get very little or nothing at all of another thing.

    2. Ours seemed very unorganized. You would have to have very opinionated people who care a lot about the development of the country...we had only about half the class discussing things. It wouldn't work very well if it happened like that for real.

  3. 1) It seems as though the need to compromise is so great, yet people are and were so hard-headed and had such strong beliefs they didn't want to give up. When they did, however, they created something miraculous.

    2) It's hard. You have to be able to stand up and say what you want, what you believe in and not be afraid of the idea getting shot down. It seems like its complete chaos, but in the chaos our ancestors created some of the most complex and great things of the world.

  4. We each acquire beliefs on a certain topic and tend to stick to them. This can cause a variety of out of control beliefs that lead to nowhere.

    This is where compromise comes in. With compromise you combine the two ideas to from a general idea that appeals to everyone. This way, proper decisions can be made.

    I know a ton more about politics now than I did last week.
    We didn't have very many people discussing either, including me. But honestly I didn't know what to think. Before this week, I was totally against slavery, when I read the sheet I thought, "OUTLAW SLAVERY OUTLAW SLAVERY".. but then when we had this debate, I saw the viewpoints on it from a last century point of view. Back then, the economy and population was at the top of the state's priorities - not the well being and liberalization of the slaves.

  5. 1.?
    2. i learned that people have different opinions on things

  6. 1. Compromising was and still is very important for decision making. There are different people with different opinions no matter what you're deciding on. You have to be able to work things out, and hit the main points of what people want in order for it to be a happy compromise, otherwise someone's going to get mad and through a fit. Back then it was needed for more life changing decisions like making slavery illegal. Now it's used for less life changing decisions, like gun control. Yes, it would be life changing for many people, but not everyone. Whereas slavery effected everyone.
    2. I learned that slavery was most likely the strongest debate. At least it seemed to be with our class. The other topics probably got pretty intense as well, but slavery was definitely one of the top two biggest debates.

  7. 1. If no one compromised we wouldn't be where we are today. There needed and still needs to be a lot of compromising going on because if we didn't have it, we wouldn't be anywhere. People would be bullheaded and not do anything but their own idea(s).
    2. I learned that it's important for everyone to stay calm during the debate. It is much easier to discuss things civilly than being in chaos. Also that it's hard for people to get in all of the input on one subject. People would be talking about something than they wouldn't have time to put in all what they wanted to say.

  8. 1. The need for compromise is undeniable. Today, we saw problems that they had back then as well. If both sides had been stubborn and refused to give and take, then our nation, and our convention would have failed almost as soon as it began. Nothing would ever get done if we are not able to both give something up and meet in the middle.

    For example, when working with slavery, the north had very strong beliefs against slavery, while the south believed that the nation would fail without it. If, during the convention, they had not compromised and come up with things like the 3/5s compromise and leaving it as it was for the time being, our nation would probably have had a civil war at a time when we were not ready.

    IF we had not compromised today, we would never have got anywhere. We would have kept debating and yelling across the room about how slaver was this and that, and no one would ever have gotten anything done, because we couldn't agree on anything without both modifying our goals to meet each other.

    2. I think the main thing I learned about the convention was the fact that it was not a happy little meeting where George Washington and Madison went "lets make a new government" and everyone went "yay!" and suddenly, a new nation that would last 200 years appeared. It took a lot of hard work, and a lot of compromise to get the constitution we know today.

  9. Compromising is good back then and today because you take everyone's ideas and throw them together then based off that you make a decision it basically brings people together so that they can get along.

    I know a lot more about what was going on around the 1700s and 1800s like slavery on how big the debates were on slavery and how many times they debated over it. Basically I learned a lot about slavery and government.

  10. 1)Compromise is good because it controls what's going on. If the majority voted for something totally out ragas then it would be chaos when the other people rebel. But if they meet in middle everyone is happy. They may not be completely happy, but at least a little.

    2)It was important to be there. Road Island got screwed. Every vote counted. So if they were there it would have maybe wavered things a tad in the small state's favor. I also learned that you need to be a good debater to get your point across if their debate was anything like ours.
    BONOUS: It totally should've been called "The Sink" :]

  11. both sides had very different opinions that could both help and hurt the country, they needed to create a compromise to make it so both sides would agree to the plan, and for the better of the country because they got rid of the parts of the resolution that might hurt the country.
    i learned that the topics probably got very very heated at the convention. we got kind of into it but back then these topics were fresh and made people all angry and ready and willing to fight for what they believed in. A lot of good came out of the constitutional convention and our country would definitely not be as good as we are today without it.

  12. 1. Compromise is almost essential when debating that way more people will vote for it, especially if it has something they like in a bill, or resolution.
    2. There are many good points on both sides but the opposite side doesn't like the other's ideas. Therefore a compromise is usually brought up if they vote and it results in a tie.

  13. Compromise is needed to reach any decision at all. Both sides keep arguing and going back and forth until a compromise that both sides are happy with is reached. Each side wants to win but when each side decides to give in a little bit, it allows a decision to be reached.

    I learned that there was a lot of things to be talked about. When I looked at the list of resolutions I thought that most of the discussions would be very short, the solution seemed simple enough. But then when the debate started I realized that there was another side to it that I hadn't looked at that now had to be added into the solution. I also saw that all the states needed to work together in order to form a United States that would not only help the North but also the South. All the resolutions split the states on way or the other. On one resolution most the states would be on the same side, but then on another the states could be evenly split. All the states had at least one thing in common with every other state. And they were able to use that to reach a compromise in resolution where they didn't agree.

  14. I seen compromise on different topics. Like presidency and slavery. Compromise was needed to come up with an answer. Compromise is key in a discussion like this.

    I learned the views and beliefs of different states. Like how long a president should be one 2-4 years. And i learned how different states view slavery like some let them be part of their family others treat them like garbage. I learned slave populations and how they can keep the economy alive and going.

  15. Compromise is a main factor when dealing with more than one person. It is needed to a final decision. Especially when some people have a different opinion or thought than another. It's a good way to keep both people happy/semi-happy. It was needed back then to make decisions that would make a drastic change in the future or even a little change. It is still used today for the same reasons.

    There were many problems we faced while debating. The biggest problem was everyone wanting to get their opinion out but not having the chance to speak over others. This is where organization has to play a role in conventions. Rules must be set before hand to keep everyone calm and safe. I'm going to take a wild guess and say back then there were the same problems. Another thing I saw was how difficult it was to decide on a single yes or no resolution after being discussed. We learned that you may totally disagree with one state on one subject but you can't be rude to them because you may need them at some point in time.

  16. Not everyone can get what they want, this is why meeting in the middle is so important. At least by compromising everyone can get a little of what they each want. It was needed back then, and is still needed here today.
    I have learned a lot about the convention while we were renacting it. A lot of people think that adults should be calm and civil when dicussing important topics; but in a way they are just like kids. Always trying to get their way by yelling and thinking they are always right.

  17. well when we were making the constitution the people representing their states had to let some states do what they want if their get something back in return.

    that some states were with the south decisions, some states were with the north, and some where on both sides. mostly each state wanted and hatted but they had to let some of the dislikes for some likes. they also had to let some states have some stuff or their economy or productive would go down, and there would be dislike between the states as well.

  18. 1. Compromise was so important because without it, people would never stop fighting, nor settle on a mature decision. We need compormise so that there can be a decision that's made up two or three ideas, so that everything can be brought together and not be kept apart just because someone doesn't get exactly what they want.

    2. I learned that even back then there were people that didn't get along; states that didn't like each other because of one thing or another. It showed that compromise then and now is a big thing and we need it to make our country work. it was not all sunshine and rainbows, and there were things that needed to be hashed out and not ignored.

  19. 1. The reason for the whole Constitution was to come up with an agreement,compromise helps both the attitudes of the voters and the outcome. If you have more diversity you have a better chance of each sides being happy. 2. I learned that people have lots of diferent reasons to feel why they do,and its hard to agree on stuff about the government because different sides have strong opinions. Sometimes one state wants to control the others.

  20. 1. Compromise with each other really can help get the ideas you want. Without compromise people would just keep arguing and won't stop fighting. You need compromise to settle the ideas and get other people happy about it.

    2. It was hard for people to say things or discuss things. The states didn't really get along with each other. Some people didn't let each other speak their ideas and thoughts about anything.

  21. I think it shows how everyone needs to somewhat get along and make choices the can suit each other. I also think it also shows how hard it can be for the people in office to make choices for their state or nation.
    I learned how hard it must have been to form this country. I also learned that most politicians may have a harder job then we think they have.
